Legislative Breakfasts Just Around the Corner
– Intro Advocacy Webinar January 9th
Your voice makes a difference! Please join us in 2025 to meet your
lawmakers over coffee and a light breakfast. These breakfasts, which will be
held in the cafeteria at the Vermont Statehouse in Montpelier are an informal
opportunity to educate lawmakers on ways to improve Vermont's practice
environment and health care system. You don’t need any prior advocacy
experience to join! Each breakfast starts on specific Wednesday at 8-9:30AM.
The first all specialty/VMS breakfast kicks off on January 15th.
Register here.
We will also be hosting an Intro to Advocacy and legislative
breakfast logistics webinar Thursday, January 9th from
7:30-8am. The webinar will also be recorded for those who can’t join
live. Join the Zoom link on the 9th here.
The dates for the breakfasts are:
VMS/All Specialties – January 15
Family Physicians – February 19
Pediatrics – March 19
Vermont Ophthalmological Society – March 26
Family Physicians – April 2
VMS/All Specialties - April 16
Family Physicians – April 30
Please reach out to Jill Sudhoff-Guerin at jsudhoffguerin@vtmd.org if you have
any questions and be sure to register
to receive important logistics and policy updates before your breakfast.