June 21, 2022


Join VMS U.S. House and U.S. Senate Primary Candidate Health Care Policy Forums

Please join us this July for two virtual 2022 Candidate Forums for the U.S. House and U.S. Senate Primary elections taking place on August 9th, 2022. The VMS will host both the Democratic and Republican candidates for the Congressional races and the forums will focus on each candidate's position on health care policy. The U.S. House forum will take place on Thursday, July 14th from 12-1pm via Zoom and will be moderated by VMS President-Elect Ryan Sexton, M.D. The U.S. Senate forum will take place on Thursday, July 21st from 12-1pm via Zoom and will be moderated by VMS President Simha Ravven. (If you are unable to join the forums, they will be recorded and posted to the VMS website)

July 14th 12-1 pm: U.S. House forum (registration not required) - Click Here to Join

July 21st 12-1 pm: U.S. Senate forum (registration not required) - Click Here to Join

Vermont Prepares for Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign

The Scott Administration did not hold a press conference today addressing COVID-19 and focused on workforce development initiatives passed in the 2022 legislative session.   Commissioner of Health Mark Levine held his biweekly call with VMS members last Thursday.  Please join us for this unique opportunity every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 12:30-1 pm to discuss COVID-19 and other pressing public health issues with the Commissioner.   This week, Commissioner Levine highlighted that Vermont continues to be experiencing low COVID-19 transmission and fewer hospital admissions. Notes from the call can be found here.  The weekly surveillance report can be found here.

On June 18th, the CDC authorized COVID-19 vaccines for all children ages 6 months through 5 years (Pfizer 6 months through 4 years & Moderna 6 months through 5 years). This follows the Food and Drug Administration’s independent expert committee review of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccine clinical trial data and their recommendation of both vaccines for authorization. Read more about CDC's recommendation.

In Vermont, most vaccines for this age group will be given at primary care offices and other health care practices. There will also be limited availability at pharmacies, WIC offices, or pop-up-type clinics.  Any practice that placed a pre-order should receive these vaccines the week of the June 20. On June 27, vaccines will be available for regular ordering in VIMS.  Follow updates regarding vaccine availability for young children here.  Vaccine information for health care professionals, including a toolkit for messaging to patients, can be found here.

The Immunization Program held a training today, June 21.  The training was recorded and will be e-mailed to all program contacts. If you don’t receive the recording  or have questions, reach out to AHS.VDHImmunizationProgram@vermont.gov.  There will be a CDC Clinical Outreach call on June 22nd at 2:00 p.m. on Recommendations for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Series in Children 6 Months through 5 Years Old – Join here.

AAPVT & VTAFP released a press statement on Saturday welcoming the authorization and encouraging families to reach out to the primary care practitioner with questions!

CDC Releases Updated Case-Finding Guidance: Monkeypox Outbreak

Since May 2022, monkeypox cases, which have historically been rare in the United States, have been identified in 18 states and territories among both persons returning from international travel and their close contacts domestically. Globally, more than 1,600 cases have been reported from more than 30 countries; the case count continues to rise daily. In the United States, evidence of person-to-person disease transmission in multiple states and reports of clinical cases with some uncharacteristic features have raised concern that some cases are not being recognized and tested. A Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Update released by the CDC last Tuesday serves to alert clinicians to clinical presentations of monkeypox seen so far in the United States and to provide updated and expanded case definitions intended to encourage testing for monkeypox among persons presenting for care with relevant history, signs, and symptoms. Read more here.

    2022 AMA Annual Meeting Wraps Up

    The American Medical Association House of Delegates’ meeting met from June 10-15 in Chicago. Vermont was represented at the House of Delegates by delegate Norm Ward, MD and VMS President/alternate-delegate Simha Ravven, MD (pictured above along with VMS Executive Director, Jessa Barnard).  Read the latest highlights or explore major moments below:


    No Surprises Act Webinars and Q&A Sessions with CMS

    The AMA has been working with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to encourage more physician outreach and education on the No Surprises Act (NSA) implementation.  As part of this effort, CMS is going to be hosting additional webinars on specific NSA topics in the coming weeks, the first two topics being the law’s Good Faith Estimate provisions and surprise billing provisions.  Attached are directions on how to register for these upcoming webinars:

    A significant portion of each webinar will questions from physicians and medical societies.   For more information, see the AMA No Surprises Act toolkits on these new requirements here.

    Supreme Court Rules in Favor of AHA In 340B Case

    The U.S. Supreme Court last week ruled unanimously in favor of the American Hospital Association and others, reversing a 2020 court of appeals decision that had upheld the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to cut payments to certain hospitals that participate in the 340B Drug Pricing Program.  Read more from the AHA here


    Join us for the next conversation with the Commissioner - Thursday, July 7th @ 12:30!

    Join us the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month from 12:30pm to 1pm as Commissioner of Health, Mark Levine provides us with the most pressing information affecting the state and nation. You will have the opportunity to submit questions to Dr. Levine who will answer them, time-permitting.

    You can join the zoom meetings here or add to your calendar by following this link and clicking download (you will then need to open the downloaded file and click save to add to your calendar).

    No Cost Well-Being Workshops

    VMS is continuing our partnership with Doug Wysockey-Johnson of LumunosWellBeing to offer no-cost clinician wellbeing workshops at up to 10 Vermont medical staffs/practices over 2022. There are 3 remaining slots available this summer.  New topics for 2022 include A Clinician’s Guide to Recovering from the COVID Marathon and A Realistic Look at ‘Work-Home Balance’ for Clinicians. See the full list and additional details here.  Members can contact jbarnard@vtmd.org or doug@lumunos.org for more information or to schedule a workshop. 

    Fostering Trauma Informed Care: Key Practices for Medical Providers Working with Children in Foster Care

    June 29 2022, 12pm to 1pm EST


    Children in foster care are designated as children with special health needs by the American

    Academy of Pediatrics. This population requires coordinated care, an understanding of best practices and their often complex situations for effective, on-going care. Mr. Cudney will review child and adolescent behaviors and symptoms often linked to trauma. Utilizing a solutions-based/strength-based approach, participants will identify ways to have a positive impact with children and foster parents to promote resilience within office visits.

    Register here.

    AMA's Racism in Medicine Webinar

    June 29 2022, 7pm to 8:30pm EST


    American Medical Association will host a 90-minute webinar on the foundations of racism in medicine. Dr. Emily Cleveland Manchanda, the Director for Social Justice Education and Implementation at the AMA, will give a 60-minute didactic presentation followed by 30-minutes for Q&A. The presentation will include descriptions of:

    1. Basic terminology around race and racism
    2. Manifestations of racism in medicine at interpersonal, institutional, and systemic levels
    3. Recommendations for additional reading and learning for physicians to continue their health equity education

    The webinar will be uploaded to AMA’s EdHub and 1.0 CME credit will be offered.

    Register here. Registration is required to access the Zoom link for this event.

    Strategies for Distributing Naloxone to Rural Communities

    July 13, 2022, 12pm to 1pm EST

    Join the UVM CORA Community Rounds Workshop series session on, “Strategies for Distributing Naloxone to Rural Communities.” Our speakers are Geoff Capraro, MD, and Brooke Lawrence, co-founders of NaloxBox, an organization whose mission is to reduce harm from opioid use disorder by improving access to naloxone. This presentation will explore the need for naloxone distribution in rural areas and discuss innovative methods and technologies for increasing access.

    Register here.

    Can't make it? Watch the webinar recording to claim Continuing Education credits (within one month of the live event). Register for the webinar before July 13th so that you'll receive the recording later!

    Vermont ACP Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting

    October 14, 2022

    Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT

    The Vermont ACP Chapter's Annual Scientific Meeting will occur on Friday, October 14, 2022. The ACP is optimistically planning for an in-person meeting. The ACP will host a virtual poster competition for resident and student members.

    Update your medical knowledge, engage with colleagues, and receive CME credits and MOC points.

    Meeting details and agenda forthcoming.

    Vermont Medical Society Annual and Collaborative Meeting

    November 4th and 5th, 2022

    The 209th VMS Annual Meeting will be held on November 4th and 5th in person at Topnotch Resort, Stowe, VT, with virtual options. The weekend will be filled with educational content, time to spend with colleagues, policy-setting meetings, and the opportunity to honor physicians and other health care leaders across the state. VMS’ Annual Meeting, hosted in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter, the Vermont Academy of Family Physicians and the Vermont Psychiatric Association, is a celebration of the unwavering commitment Vermont clinicians have to their practice and to the deep connection VMS members have with each other.

    To view more information or submit nominees for 2022 leadership awards, please click here. Registration information will be shared in the future.

    UVM will have more primary care conferences in Fall 2022. Sign-up to get updates via email for topics that are of interest here.


    Vermont Medical Society

    134 Main Street

    Montpelier, VT 05602

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