Apply Today: Applications Now Open for 2023 VMS ERF Leadership Course
The Vermont Medical Society Education & Research Foundation is proud to open applications for a 4th statewide Physician Executive Leadership Institute Foundational Course beginning in January 2023.
This course is offered in partnership with the Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership and Lumunos and is supported by funding from the Physicians Foundation. Perhaps more than ever before physicians and PAs are being asked to step up and skillfully lead rapid change. Every clinician is being called upon to bring their leadership and management styles and skills to the forefront to ensure the best outcomes for Vermont patients. VMSERF is pleased to continue to offer an experiential learning opportunity that will enhance and fine-tune leadership skills and concepts for a statewide cohort of Vermont physicians and PAs.
The course will run from January through November 2023. It is aimed at individuals with 5 or more years of clinical experience but minimal formal leadership training, with a goal of enrolling 15-20 physicians and PAs from across Vermont. To apply, submit a CV and brief description of interest to swinters@vtmd.org by October 14th. View the full 2023 brochure, schedule and application information here.
Now Accepting Applications: VPHP Medical Director Position
The Vermont Practitioner Health Program (VPHP), a program of the Vermont Medical Society, is seeking a psychiatrist or other appropriately experienced physician or clinician for a part-time Medical Director position. The purpose of VPHP is to identify, evaluate and ensure effective treatment for clinicians whose ability to practice medicine is impaired, or is at the risk of becoming impaired. The Medical Director is responsible for assessing and developing evaluation and treatment plans for all referred health professionals and managing the clinical operations of the program. The Medical Director does not provide direct treatment services. It is an excellent opportunity to work with a statewide program to further its mission of assisting health professionals in the state of Vermont. This is a part-time independent contractor position, approximately 1/4 FTE, with specific hours to vary weekly based on the needs to the program and as determined by the Medical Director. To apply, submit a cover letter, resume and references to VPHP Program Administrator Colleen Magne, cmagne@vtmd.org. Applications will be accepted through Monday, October 17th. For full details on the position including qualifications and duties, click here. For more information about VPHP, click here.
VMS 2022 Survey Results Show Exhaustion, Joys of Medical Practice
- Results from VMS's July 2022 physician and PA survey show the highs and lows of practicing medicine in Vermont and the toll the pandemic and resulting workforce crisis has had on clinicians across specialties. Out of 292 respondents, the survey results show Vermont clinicians are burned out from an unsustainable workload brought on by extreme staffing shortages and exacerbated by administrative burdens and overbearing EMRs. Despite this, physicians and PAs remain passionate about providing the very best care to their patients and advocating on their behalf. The VMS Board reviewed the survey feedback at their summer retreat to identify 2023 organizational priorities including additional loan repayment support, Gold Card programs and more networking opportunities. Thank you to our members who took the time to complete the survey this summer.
- Please click here to see the 2022 VMS Survey presentation and priorities.
- Please click here to see the survey results
In addition to the policy solutions outlined by the Board, VMS, is partnering with Lumunos Wellbeing and with funding from the Physicians Foundation, continues to offer no cost wellbeing workshops to practices and medical staffs that provide concrete tools to address wellbeing at the personal and institutional levels. New this year, VMS and Lumunos will also be launching a Statewide Collaborative for Physician Wellbeing, bringing together a cohort of physicians focused on sharing best practices and hearing from experts in the field of physician to support local and statewide change. Physicians interested in these programs can reach out to Doug Wysockey-Johnson at doug@lumunos.org.
The experience of Vermont physicians and PAs mirrors new physician burnout findings by researchers from the AMA, Mayo Clinic and Stanford Medicine. Together, these studies found the overall prevalence of burnout among U.S. physicians was at an all-time high of 62.8% in 2021 compared with 38.2% in 2020, 43.9% in 2017, 54.4% in 2014, and 45.5% in 2011. See the newly published study in Mayo Clinic Proceedings and accompanying press release from the American Medical Association.
What Can You Do to Help Pass Article 22?
The "Reproductive Liberty Amendment," or Article 22, will come before the Vermont voters in the form of a ballot initiative on November 8th, 2022. Over the last 4 years, the Vermont Medical Society has advocated in the legislature for Vermont's proposed constitutional amendment guaranteeing reproductive liberty for all Vermonters. Across the country, we have seen the right to access safe abortions stripped away and a federal proposal to ban all abortions after 15 weeks.
Opponents to Article 22 in Vermont are spreading misinformation about the passage of this amendment. One way VMS members can help educate Vermont voters on Article 22 is by writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper.
Letters to the Editor are generally very short and succinct at under 200 words. Here is a link to a general guideline. You can include these key talking points:
- Article 22 does not change current practice: For over 45 years, Vermonters have had the personal autonomy to make family-planning decisions regarding abortion along with other decisions regarding pregnancy, infertility treatment, contraception, sterilization and the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
- The majority of abortions are in the first trimester: In 2019, 90.5 percent of all Vermont abortions happened within the first trimester (12 weeks or less) and 73.3 percent of all Vermont abortions were for pregnancies of less than 9 weeks duration.
- No late-term abortions: Only 18 or 1.5 percent of Vermont abortions in 2019 occurred after 21 weeks and there are no health care practitioners in Vermont that perform elective abortions after 23 weeks.
- Please support Article 22: According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “The benefits of contraception, named as one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are widely recognized and include improved health and well-being, reduced global maternal mortality, health benefits of pregnancy spacing for maternal and child health, female engagement in the work force and economic self-sufficiency for women. Further, “when restrictions are placed on abortion access, women’s health suffers.”
For more talking points, see the latest testimony VMS provided to the House Human Services Committee. Please go to the Reproductive Liberty Amendment website or https://www.facebook.com/reprolibertyvt/ to learn more about Article 22. For questions or more ideas for getting involved contact Jill at jsudhoffguerin@vtmd.org.
AAPVT Chapter Amended Grant Application for Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines
The American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter, in collaboration with the Department of Health’s Immunization Program, is providing funding to support expanded influenza and/or COVID vaccination by healthcare practitioners or organizations. Due to an amendment from the Immunization department at the Department of Health, the previous grant cycle, with a maximum grant award of $10,000 has closed.
The Vermont Department of Health has opened another round of funding, that allows those practices that have applied/received funding previously or new practices to apply for a maximum grant award of $5,000 (pending availability of funds).
It is the intent of the State to provide financial support for health care practices/organizations activities that:
- assess barriers to pediatric COVID-19 and/or seasonal influenza vaccinations in the communities served by the recipient and in collaboration with community organizations.
- properly manage vaccines and off-site by ensuring vaccine storage equipment meets or exceeds CDC Storage and Handling Toolkit recommendations
- implement COVID-19 and/or seasonal influenza vaccination clinics in communities to address identified barriers. Emphasis should be placed on offering vaccination clinics specifically to high-risk populations or those with limited access (e.g. assisting living communities, senior housing, schools, children under the age of 18 and their care givers).
- expand access to COVID-19 and/or seasonal influenza vaccination at primary care practices through patient outreach, vaccine promotion, and expansion of vaccination services.
- offer off-site, weekend, and after-hours COVID-19 and/or seasonal influenza vaccination clinics at selected locations to meet the need(s) of the community served (e.g. schools, shelters, meal sites, etc.)
Health Care Practices/Organizations may apply online here OR complete the application via word here and email back to Birdie Pauley at BPauley@vtmd.org by October 31, 2022.
Applications will be reviewed on receipt and funds will be distributed upon receipt of final project report. Reporting will be due by April 1, 2023. Reporting requirements will be distributed after the application deadline.
Providing Health Care to Refugees: Tuberculosis Webinar
Join us on September 1st from 12:15pm to 1pm EST, for a webinar that will discuss providing catch up immunizations/ongoing care to pediatric refugees.
This webinar is a part of a series of webinars on Health Care for Refugees hosted by the Vermont Medical Society. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend. Registration is required here.
To learn more about what other topics will be included in this series, click here.
Next VMS COVID Conversation with the Commissioner of Health, Mark Levine, M.D. is October 6th at 12:30pm EST
The next time we will speak with the Commissioner of Health will be October 6, 2022 where he will provide us with the most pressing information affecting the state and nation. You will have the opportunity to submit questions to Dr. Levine who will answer them, time-permitting.
You can join the zoom meetings here which take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 12:30pm to 1pm EST or add to your calendar by following this link and clicking download (you will then need to open the downloaded file and click save to add to your calendar).
Reminder to Register for VMS Hosted Fall Candidate Meet and Greets this October
Please join the Vermont Medical Society this fall for candidate
meet & greets in three districts across the State. These will be in-person
social events to which we are inviting Vermont State House and Senate
legislative candidates from Washington, Chittenden and Rutland counties to
member-led receptions in their respective districts. VMS members who work or
practice in these districts are invited to these informal meet & greets to
get to know the candidates who could be representing them after the general
election in November. For questions please email Jill Sudhoff-Guerin at jsudhoffguerin@vtmd.org. Register for each event below (events are free to members but a head count is needed) :
Recommendations to Prevent Occupationally-acquired Monkeypox Infection in Healthcare Personnel
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a Clinician Update yesterday, Recommendations to Prevent Occupationally-acquired Monkeypox Infection in Healthcare Personnel. The document recommends HCP adhere to all recommended infection prevention and control measures including recommended PPE to reduce the risk of monkeypox virus transmission in healthcare settings.
Currently, there are more than 61,000 reported cases of monkeypox infection worldwide. Reports of occupationally-acquired monkeypox infection in healthcare personnel (HCP) remain rare in this outbreak, with most reports involving HCP sustaining a sharps injury during specimen collection or not using recommended personal protective equipment (PPE).
Infection Prevention and Control
- Establish a process to screen patients for signs and symptoms of monkeypox at or before arrival so that they can be identified promptly in healthcare facilities (e.g., urgent care clinics, emergency departments, clinics providing evaluation for sexually transmitted infections) that are most likely to provide initial evaluation of patients with monkeypox.
- Dedicate adequate resources to support infection prevention practices, including access to all recommended PPE, particularly in outpatient settings, where monkeypox patients are frequently initially evaluated.
- Review infection prevention and control practices including carefully putting on and taking off PPE to ensure HCP are properly trained and provided the opportunity to ask questions and practice their technique.
Cleaning and Disinfection
- Review cleaning and disinfection practices to ensure they are being completed effectively. Cleaning and disinfecting rooms and equipment between patients is important to prevent transmission to others.
Safe Specimen Collection
- Use methods to safely collect monkeypox specimens. Unroofing or aspiration of lesions during specimen collection or using sharp instruments for monkeypox lesion testing is not necessary or recommended due to the risk for sharps injury.
Healthcare Provider Exposures
- Know the signs and symptoms of monkeypox.
- Do not report to work if any signs or symptoms develop, even in the absence of recognized exposure.
- Leave work if signs or symptoms develop while at work, and notify supervisor or other appropriate group (e.g., occupational health services) for further evaluation.
- Healthcare facilities should provide flexible, non-punitive sick leave policies to allow HCP to take leave when indicated.
Additional Resources
U.S. House of Representatives for Passes Legislation to Streamline Prior Authorization in the Medicare Advantage Program
Physician organizations last week applauded the U.S. House of Representatives for passing the Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act. Passage of this bipartisan bill was propelled by more than 320 co-sponsors and over 500 endorsing organizations, including the Vermont Medical Society, which seek to ensure that bureaucratic hurdles do not stand in the way of physicians providing medically necessary patient care. The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act would improve prior authorization in Medicare Advantage plans by:
- Establishing an electronic prior authorization (ePA) program;
- Standardizing and streamlining the prior authorization process for routinely approved services, including establishing a list of services eligible for real-time prior authorization decisions;
- Ensuring prior authorization requests are reviewed by qualified medical personnel; and
- Increasing transparency around MA prior authorization requirements and their use.
The bill must still pass the U.S. Senate and has so far received strong support.
Webinar Tonight: What You Need to Know About the Time-limited Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Waiver
On Oct. 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) announced a temporary change to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program rules as a result of the COVID-19 emergency. For a limited time, borrowers may receive credit for past periods of repayment that otherwise would not qualify for PSLF. This one-time waiver will allow individuals to rectify federally held student loans and qualify for PSLF if they are working for a qualifying employer and apply before Oct. 31, 2022.
The American Medical Association (AMA) and the ED are hosting an AMA Advocacy Insights webinar to discuss the PSLF Program and answer your questions about the limited-time waiver. The webinar takes place tonight, Sept. 20 at 5:00 p.m. Central time with the AMA President-elect and Senior Advisory to the Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid. Registrants who are unable to attend the live session will receive a link to view the recording. Register now.
No Cost Well-Being Workshops
VMS is continuing our partnership with Doug Wysockey-Johnson of LumunosWellBeing to offer no-cost clinician wellbeing workshops at up to 10 Vermont medical staffs/practices over 2022. There are 3 remaining slots available this summer. New topics for 2022 include A Clinician’s Guide to Recovering from the COVID Marathon and A Realistic Look at ‘Work-Home Balance’ for Clinicians. See the full list and additional details here. Members can contact jbarnard@vtmd.org or doug@lumunos.org for more information or to schedule a workshop.
Fall 2022 Virtual Ethics Education Series October 4th, October 11th, October 19th, 12:00pm to 1:15pm EST
The Vermont Ethics Network presents their Fall 2022 Virtual Ethics Education Series, which has topics including: - October 4th - Patient Safety and the Dignity of Risk
- Learn more and register here
- October 11th - Can Long Term Care Facilities Really say NO to Taking Patients Back? presented by Zail S. Berry
- Learn more and register here
- October 19th - Ethical Management of Clinician-Patient Conflict in the Hospital, presented by Tim Lahey.
- Learn more and register here
Supporting FAMILIES Impacted by Substance Use/Mental Illness
October 8, 2022, 1:30pm to 3pm EDT
In-person at Jenna's House
October 9, 2022, 4pm to 5:30pm EDT
In-person at Rock Point Center
Dr. Libby Stuyt, the Vermont Psychiatric Association 2022 Keynote Speaker will lead the conference.
This training will educate providers on the needs of families impacted by a loved one's substance use disorder or severe mental illness. The aim is to both increase awareness of the needs of this group of individuals' for support and provide tools such as traditional CBT as well as acupuncture and mindfulness training that can decrease the family member's stress, anxiety or PTSD. Resilient families help create healthy communities where recovery is possible and supported.
Evidence based tools such as mindfulness practice, acupuncture, acupressure, biofeedback and emotional freedom technics will be introduced. Providers, including EMTs and first responders, will also learn non-pharmacological methods to decrease patient's anxiety, stress and PTSD while helping to cultivate coherence, self calming and emotional regulation .
Register here.
25th Annual Women's Health and Cancer Conference
September 30, 2022, 8am to 3pm EST
In-person and Virtual
Join us for a special 25th anniversary celebration and a keynote address by Kim Dittus, MD, PhD, Moving from treating cancer to treating the whole person.
This free, educational event is geared towards a broad range of clinical providers as well as patients, friends and family members, researchers, and caregivers. Together, you'll learn about cancer screening, treatment, survivorship, reducing the cancer burden, and how the science has changed over 25 years (and where it’s going next). This conference is accredited at no charge to participants courtesy of the UVM Cancer Center.
For more information about the speakers, sessions, accreditation and to register please visit here.
Vermont ACP Chapter Annual Scientific Meeting October 14, 2022 Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, VT
The Vermont ACP Chapter's Annual Scientific Meeting will occur on Friday, October 14, 2022. The ACP is optimistically planning for an in-person meeting. The ACP will host a virtual poster competition for resident and student members.
Update your medical knowledge, engage with colleagues, and receive CME credits and MOC points.
For meeting details and to register, click here.
Private Practice Simple Solutions: Team Documentation October 18, 2022, 10:00 am CDT
The AMA’s newly launched Private Practice Simple Solutions series is designed to help implement actionable changes that can improve efficiencies within a physician’s practice. Each
FREE multi-week session focuses on a single topic. This Team Documentation session will be a panel with subject matter
expert on common obstacles in a clinical vignette. Register here.
Neurology for the Non-Neurology
October 21, 2022, The Essex in Essex, VT
Back at The Essex, this course is designed to update the non-neurologist on how to diagnose common neurological disorders, order appropriate diagnostic studies, and provide appropriate patient care. Topics include: Headache, Epilepsy, MS, Office Neuro Exam, Neuro-Oncology, Long COVID and more.
For more information about speakers, sessions, accreditation and to register please visit here.
Northern New England Neurological Society Annual Meeting
October 21-22, 2022, The Essex in Essex, VT
The NNENS Annual Meeting will present an update on latest treatments and therapeutic options across the field. The meeting is open to neurologists and other medical professionals with an interest in neurology. You do not need to be a NNENS member to attend!
For more information about speakers, sessions, accreditation and to register please visit here.
Osteoporosis Update for Primary Care 2022
November 4, 2022, The Hampton Inn Conference Center in Colchester, VT
Designed to improve the skills of the primary care healthcare team as they are often the first to encounter patients who have, or who are at risk of developing, osteoporosis. Topics include: Osteo in men, treatment medications, proper use of calcium and vitamin D, fractures from an orthopedic standpoint, and more!
For more information about our speakers, sessions, accreditation and to register please visit here.
Vermont Medical Society Annual and Collaborative Meeting November 4th and 5th, 2022
The 209th VMS Annual Meeting will be held on November 4th and 5th in person at Topnotch Resort, Stowe, VT, with virtual options. The weekend will be filled with educational content, time to spend with colleagues, policy-setting meetings, and the opportunity to honor physicians and other health care leaders across the state. VMS’ Annual Meeting, hosted in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter, the Vermont Academy of Family Physicians and the Vermont Psychiatric Association, is a celebration of the unwavering commitment Vermont clinicians have to their practice and to the deep connection VMS members have with each other.
To view more information or submit nominees for 2022 leadership awards, please click here. Register here.
UVM will have conferences for Emergency Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Dermatology and Anesthesia this Winter 2023. Sign-up to get updates via email for topics that are of interest here.
Vermont Medical Society 134 Main Street Montpelier, VT 05602 -- Unsubscribe --